I hope you will find a lot of things that interest you. I will be endevouring to bring you many different types of topics that will excite you and will make your visit here an enjoyable one.

I have been excited by the recently discovered Ormus phenomena (1996 approx and was used by the ancients) and will direct you to that page on the left menu button to find out a little more or to purchase Ormus for yourself. As well as the Ormus, there is the 2012 Mayan Calendar controversy, in which there are plenty of conflicting arguements.

I have also been delving into frequencies and how they can improve health by listening to them. I have also been delving into frequencies and how they can improve health by listening to them. I have the Solfeggio Frequencies and other frequencies to generate Abundance and Love amongst a host of others I am developing.

UT - 396 Hz -associated with releasing emotional patterns after:
RE - 417 Hz -associated with breaking up crystalized emotional patterns
MI - 528 Hz - relates to crown chakra "DNA integrity"
FA - 639 Hz - associated with whole brain quadrant interconnectedness
SOL - 741 Hz - associated with intuitive states, non linear knowing
LA - 852 Hz - associated with a pure love frequency: unconditional love.

URGENT: Please view this important video just released this week (22/05/09) by Dr. Leonard Horowitz (in segments)
1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3LXfz62IWbQ
2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cgEoDGjU10w&feature=channel_page
3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vS3tJAP6tXo&feature=channel_page
4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a4lR65cuCsg&NR=1
5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WWM1MURoBIc
6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vX2Gbd6VohY&feature=channel_page

I have the Solfeggio Frequencies and other frequencies to generate Abundance and Love amongst a host of others I am developing. There is also a link to Water in the menu, a subject close to my heart. This video will astound you.

There is a link in the Menus list to the Ormus Forums Page that shows where you can join an Ormus Group near you. This is to get a better idea what it entails and developing a certain kind of trust and get all your questions answered.

I also design websites and there is a link to that on your right side. I will be posting some template webpages and structure for you to choose from shortly.

John Barron's website has an interesting article on water and magnets.

About US | Contact Us | FAQs | Reports| Ormus History| Health | Terms of Use and Disclaimer | Last Updated Monday 25 May 2009

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