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About Us | Contact Us | FAQs | Reports | Ormus History | Health | Last Updated 25 May 2009

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What is it? - Some of you will already know a great deal about it. For those who don't, put simply, it is like a modem connecting us between the internet and the inner-net, or physical and spiritual. It has been called The Holy Grail, Manna and Shew Bread. Ormus is made by old Alchemy and rediscovered by a man called John Hudson (now deceased March 08) from Phoenix, Arizona, USA. The late John Hudson patented a version of this process calling it ORMEs (Orbitally Rearranged Monatomic Elements) in Australia and UK. Other names for Ormus is white powder gold, m-state elements and monatomic gold. Ormus is made from adding Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH) to Sea Water. There is a process involved which you can discover for yourself. But if you don't want to make your own then you can purchase some from here.

Much of the Grail quest is about achieving purity of heart and understanding the true nature of pure charitable love. The Quest is one where the individual struggles toward a sense of wholeness. The Grail expresses the source of this wholeness. After taking Ormus, one starts to feel uplifted and closer to others in a way that is profound and yet magically real. One sees circumstances go their way and abundance plentiful. Health starts to get better and a zest for life starts to appear.

Here is a short list of subtle changes I have heard from various folks throughout the years:

* eyesight improvement (or noticing more intensity if colour)
* allergies diminish
* less aches and pains
* needing less sleep
* naturally not reaching for habitual substances
* noticing that a really difficult person doesn't bother you as much
* calmer, better meditations,
* getting by on less sleep, or needing MORE sleep
* decrease or increase in appetite
* more dreams, dreaming more vividly
* increased intuition
* youthing - skin , hair returns to original colour, height (increased)
* improvement in gums or teeth

I recently made another batch on 8 - 9 May 2009. This Wonderful and Naturally High Ormus. I made from Dead Sea Salt from Jordan/Israel. I didn't think anything else but that it would be slightly more stronger than my previous batches and that I would have to wait until I developed my skills more. I waited until I washed it twice. That took me to Sunday. I took one small teaspoon and went about my business. About 10 minutes later I had a feeling of extreme happiness that came from the deepest recesses of my being. This feeling got stronger and stronger. It is hard to describe happiness. I have tried other Ormus which is very very strong and wonderfully pleasing but nothing like this. My Ormus will be called "Amaezed" Life In Progress and is the strongest Ormus I have experienced, unsurpassed by anything else. I didn't use pyramids, chi cards, sticks, dowsing rods, magnets, crystals, trap water or any other device, except my music and me. Friends I gave it to felt uplifted and happy all day long as well as during the whole week of taking it.

My Ormus characteristics, plainly put, exude extreme happiness and joy and it is uplifting and pleasant to take. A half a tea spoon at breakfast and thats all.

Heres how you purchase this wonderful batch of Ormus.

Send me an email stating what size bottle you would like and your shipping details (name and address) and I will send details of where and how to send the money. There is a full money-back guarantee if disatisfied, no questions asked. Alternatively you can use Paypal. Use the Currency Trading Tool below to calculate the exchange rate from your country to AUD$

I make two sizes of Ormus: 200ml and 500ml bottle.

1. The 200ml bottle is - AUD $43.00 (inc. post & shipping to Australia ONLY- Overseas add AUD$20)

2. The 500ml bottle is - AUD $83.00 (inc. post & shipping to Australia ONLY- Overseas add AUD$30)

Make an order and with your name and address or:

If you want to make your own click here